OUR vision
Our vision for 5-8 Ministry is to provide a space for students in 5th-8th grades to BELONG, BELIEVE, and BECOME.
BELONG - We want our 5-8 students to feel welcomed, to find community here, and to feel like they are a vital part of this group. They belong here.
BELIEVE - Every time our 5-8 students meet, they are going to encounter Christ. We want them to believe in God, who He is, what His word says, that He loves them, and who He says they are.
BECOME - We want our 5-8 students to become disciples who make disciples and discover who God has called them to be.
Sunday Mornings
Location: James Building (Upstairs)
9:15 - Worshiping with our church family in our main worship center.
10:45 - During the 10:45 hour, we are committed to encouraging and challenging 5th-8th grade students to live their lives in a way that pleases God. We start in a large group where we share announcements and play a game. After that, we break down into our Life Groups based on age and gender. The adult leaders will then lead the students in reading, teaching, and discussing God’s Word. This is the place for students to meet friends and to be encouraged in their walk with Christ!
Wednesday Nights
Location: James Building (Upstairs)
On Wednesday nights, we meet for worship and focus on growing in the Lord together!
We start the night with a time of games and worship, followed by a message.
We hope to see you there!!